Laparoscopic and Robotic Instruments 

Minimize hassle and maximize outcomes with our specimen bags, uterine manipulators, & access and visibility offerings


Anchor* Tissue Retrieval System™

An innovative, intuitive, and efficient solution for comprehensive specimen retrieval

two anchor tissue retrieval systems

Standard Specimen Bags

Sterile, disposable, and compatible with a 5, 10, or 12mm cannula for laparoscopic surgical procedures

two standard specimen bags

DetachaTip® II Multi-Use Reposable Endosurgery Instruments

Strikes a balance between reusable and disposable hand instrument systems

two detachatip instrument heads

Specialty Handheld Instruments

A variety of tools that provide precision and control to your designated procedure

fascial closure device

Reflex® Skin Staplers and Clip Appliers

User-friendly solutions designed for flexibility of movement and enhanced control

reflex skin stapler


LaparoLight® Veress Needles

Featuring SafetyView™ Illumination technology to confirm when the peritoneal cavity has been entered

laparolight veress needle angled right

LaparoVue® Visibility System

An all-in-one solution designed to reduce the complexity of achieving optimal visualization

laparovue visibility system with the vuetip trocar swab

Disposable Insufflation Tubing

0.1-micron insufflation filter and tubing set excludes bacteria, bodily fluids, and particulate matter

insufflation tubing showing head and coiled tubing fading off screen


VCare® Plus and VCare® DX Uterine Manipulators

Helps provide a better surgical experience and maintains pneumoperitoneum

vcare uterine manipulator

Who says you can’t have it all? 

Operate at a lower pressure without compromising exposure. This is laparoscopy transformed.

AirSeal® iFS