Bariatric Surgical Solutions
Helping you, as you help patients take back their lives
Helping you, as you help patients take back their lives
AirSeal® provides pressure precision and smoke evacuation in laparoscopic and robotic procedures. This enables clear and constant exposure with low pressure, increasing surgical efficiency by reducing procedure times, PACU times, and length of stay.7,8
I have noticed a significant decrease in peak inspiratory airway pressure and mean airway pressure while using the AirSeal® system. These benefits are extremely important when taking care of obese patients who have increased airway resistance and decreased pulmonary compliance from baseline.
Gabriel Eduardo Mena, MD
“I can’t emphasize enough how much AirSeal® has helped both myself and my patients. I believe in AirSeal® because it improves my patients’ outcomes and maintains my surgical exposure… even in smokey cases and when I have a high BMI patient.”
Eben Strobos, MD, FACS, FASCRS
Board Certified Colon and Rectal Surgeon
Get all the benefits of AirSeal® streamlined into your Intuitive da Vinci* procedure workflow - without the need for an assist port.
AirSeal® Robotic Solution makes it easier, specifically during removal of the stomach or if you get into a bleed during a robotic-assisted gastric sleeve. AirSeal® ensures you do not lose pneumoperitoneum.
Amit Taggar, MD
*Compatible with the Intuitive da Vinci Xi and da Vinci X Surgical Systems
1 Saway JP, McCaul M, Mulekar MS, McMahon DP, Richards WO. Review of Outcomes of Low Verses Standard Pressure Pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic Surgery. Am Surg. 2022;88(8):1832-1837. doi:10.1177/00031348221084956
Low Insufflation Pressure Cholecystectomy - Using an insufflation management system versus standard CO2 pneumoperitoneum. Rashid M. Kikhia MD, Kristie Price, Vamsi Alli MD, Aurora Pryor MD, Gerald Gracia MD, Jerry Rubano MD, Jessica Schnur MD, Dana Telem MD. SAGES Published Abstract.
2Feasibility of robot-assisted prostatectomy performed at ultra-low pneumoperitoneum pressure of 6 mmHg and comparison of clinical outcomes vs standard pressure of 15 mmHg. Ferroni MC, Abaza R. BJU Int. 2019 Jan 17. doi: 10.1111/bju.14682. [Epub ahead of print].
3 Low Insufflation Pressure Cholecystectomy - Using an insufflation management system versus standard CO2 pneumoperitoneum. Rashid M. Kikhia MD, Kristie Price, Vamsi Alli MD, Aurora Pryor MD, Gerald Gracia MD, Jerry Rubano MD, Jessica Schnur MD, Dana Telem MD. SAGES Published Abstract.
4 A prospective, randomized, clinical study comparing AirSeal vs. Standard Insufflation in Minimally Invasive Urology, Gynecology, and General Surgery. Data on File.
5Low pressure gynecological laparoscopy (7mmHg) with AirSeal® System versus a standard insufflation (15mmHg): A pilot study in 60 patients. Sroussi J, Elies A, Rigouzzo A, Louvet N, Mezzadri M, Fazel A, Benifla JL. Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2017 Feb;46(2):155-158.
6Less is More: Clinical Impact of Decreasing Pneumoperitoneum Pressures during Robotic-Assisted Gynecologic Surgery. Huang J, Foley CE,* Ryan EM, Prunty LE, Arslan AA. Published AAGL Abstract.
7Bucur P, Hofmann M, Menhadji A, et al. Comparison of Pneumoperitoneum Stability Between a Valveless Trocar System and Conventional Insufflation: A Prospective Randomized Trial. Urology. 2016;94:274-280. doi:10.1016/j.urology.2016.04.022
8Ramshaw B, Forman B, Heidel E, Dean J, Gamenthaler A, Fabian M. A Clinical Quality Improvement (CQI) Project to Improve Pain After Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair. Surg Technol Int. 2016;29:125-130.
Note: Use of the AirSeal® system is not a guarantee of improved patient outcomes, as the success of surgery depends on many individual variables, such as patient etiology, disease state, etc.